Boudoir Myth:  I don’t have the right body type

Busting boudoir myths continued…

Boudoir Myth:  I don’t have the right body type

Yes, you do! Who you are in this very moment is exactly who you should be as you begin this journey. I’ve photographed every age, size, shape, color, whatever, and the results are always gorgeous. There are too many things in this life that we choose not to experience because we don’t match societies beauty standards. Boudoir photography will help release the chains that bind you, and you will see that anything is possible!


Boudoir Myth:  I don’t have the right body type

Busting boudoir myths continued…

Boudoir Myth:  I don’t have the right body type

Yes, you do! Who you are in this very moment is exactly who you should be as you begin this journey. I’ve photographed every age, size, shape, color, whatever, and the results are always gorgeous. There are too many things in this life that we choose not to experience because we don’t match societies beauty standards. Boudoir photography will help release the chains that bind you, and you will see that anything is possible!
