“I conquered breast Cancer before it ever had a chance to overcome me.”
“2 years later and I am ready to share with you how I am a ‘previvor’ – that means I conquered breast Cancer before it ever had a chance to overcome me. It was suggested that I get screened for the genetic mutation. Weeks later I received the news. I have inherited the CHEEK-2 gene. Fast forward 2 months later. I made the difficult decision to undergo an emotional journey of self love.
As I woke up on that Day in October. I told myself today is the day. I can tell you I wanted to make it all go away but I couldn’t. Today was the day my body will under go a transformation. Today is the day I decided to be selfish for once in my life. Today I took care of my heart. I took care of my soul, the unknown of what was to come. Today I took care of ME.
Waking up post surgery. The grief has set in and full force. My beautiful breast are gone, and in its place is a beautiful memory of what was and a beautiful beginning of what is to come.
There is nothing that I can say or do to make it go away or change it. I cared for myself the best I knew. Behind my smile there is a heavy heart, tears of joy, some over powering relief and a astronomical mix of crazy emotions. Today beautiful Girl is your gift to yourself – Life.
I reminded myself of human resilience, of strength that I knew existed inside me. I remind myself of trust, trust in yourself, trust in your joy, trust in your amazing Physician – Just Trust.
Take Baby Steps beautiful Girl. Take it one day at a time. Your emotions will run wild as you recover and that’s okay. Rent that chick flick or read the sappy novel for a good cry. Then wipe those tears and do something that makes you happy. (For me it was shoe shopping) The more positive your attitude, the stronger and healthier you’ll feel. You got this beautiful girl.
Today is the first time in a long time that I have felt like a woman. A team of hairstylists, of make-up artist and an amazing talented photographer. Today is my Boudoir Shoot. (I felt like a super model.) The amount of emotions that came over me when Anya showed me my first picture is priceless.” – Miss. K
“I conquered breast Cancer before it ever had a chance to overcome me.”
“2 years later and I am ready to share with you how I am a ‘previvor’ – that means I conquered breast Cancer before it ever had a chance to overcome me. It was suggested that I get screened for the genetic mutation. Weeks later I received the news. I have inherited the CHEEK-2 gene. Fast forward 2 months later. I made the difficult decision to undergo an emotional journey of self love.
As I woke up on that Day in October. I told myself today is the day. I can tell you I wanted to make it all go away but I couldn’t. Today was the day my body will under go a transformation. Today is the day I decided to be selfish for once in my life. Today I took care of my heart. I took care of my soul, the unknown of what was to come. Today I took care of ME.
Waking up post surgery. The grief has set in and full force. My beautiful breast are gone, and in its place is a beautiful memory of what was and a beautiful beginning of what is to come.
There is nothing that I can say or do to make it go away or change it. I cared for myself the best I knew. Behind my smile there is a heavy heart, tears of joy, some over powering relief and a astronomical mix of crazy emotions. Today beautiful Girl is your gift to yourself – Life.
I reminded myself of human resilience, of strength that I knew existed inside me. I remind myself of trust, trust in yourself, trust in your joy, trust in your amazing Physician – Just Trust.
Take Baby Steps beautiful Girl. Take it one day at a time. Your emotions will run wild as you recover and that’s okay. Rent that chick flick or read the sappy novel for a good cry. Then wipe those tears and do something that makes you happy. (For me it was shoe shopping) The more positive your attitude, the stronger and healthier you’ll feel. You got this beautiful girl.
Today is the first time in a long time that I have felt like a woman. A team of hairstylists, of make-up artist and an amazing talented photographer. Today is my Boudoir Shoot. (I felt like a super model.) The amount of emotions that came over me when Anya showed me my first picture is priceless.” – Miss. K